Not to me.
Well someday soon she will have to name an heir.
One of her own Geisha to succeed her.
Strange isn't it that she hasn't adopted Hatsumomo?
That would be like releasing a tiger from it's cage.
You have a gift for expression.
And if Mrs. Nita adopts Pumpkin that is hardly a threat
but a young girl with eyes like rain...
But Mrs. Nita would never choose me.
On the contrary, that is our goal
It is?
Of course. If you do not inherit the okea,
then we will all be at the tiger's mercy.
Water is always in such a hurry,
perhaps that is just as well.
We have no time to lose.
We must transform you. And what takes years
you must learn in months.
Say Im entertaining the baron, like so many
clients he's trapped in an arranged marriage,
So in the tea-house when he's seeking my
company instead,
I reward him like this
with a glimpse of my wrist.
Seeing this demure little trace of naked skin,
well it gives him pleasure.
Or when you're sitting down, for the briefest
moment, press your leg against his,
Always by accident of course.