
Ok. So let's stop crying eh?
And stealing things.
Let's stop that too.

Get in the car.
Don't ever do that to me again.
Look. I'm really sorry
it was me.

I didn't mean to cause
any trouble or anything.

No you did right.
They stole it, what could you do?

They did give it to a good cause.
I wouldn't have done
that at their age.

They must be...
you did a good job.

Are you from the social?
No. I'm just a visitor.
I go round the schools
collecting for this water thing.

And try and tell them about
the change over, you know.

Making sure that
the kids understand it.

Does anyone understand it?
Sometimes they are a bit confused,
until I talk to them.

And then...
They're really confused.
I'm sorry.
They're very sorry.

I've sent them to bed.
I want you to know that
it won't happen again.

Do you mind me asking
how you came to have

so much cash in the house?
It was a donation.
It was left here anonymously.

And you weren't suspicious
about that?

No, we pray a lot and
we thought it was
the answers to our prayers.

Only it has been mentioned
that you spent close

to five thousand pounds in Comet...
A few days ago.
Digital television.
Mircowave oven.

Dishwasher. Foot spa.
Did you actually pray for
all of these things?

We were praying for comfort
and encouragement.

I think we felt comforted
and encouraged.
