
By the foot spa?
And the dishwasher.
Samaritans. Oxfam.
Christian Aid.
For Christ's sake,
don't tick them little boxes.

The ones about putting you in touch
with like- minded organisations.

You'll be besieged man.
I'm telling you!

Saint Peter, died AD sixty four.
Alright, don't remind us.
The money... it's robbed.
I know.
Patron Saint of keys,
locks and general security, man.

Including up there.
I'm on the door.

Is it still alright,
if it's robbed?

Can you still do good with it
or should you give it back?

I thought it was a miracle,
but it is just robbed.

Damian. Listen.
One day I was
with you know who, Jesus.

And he went up into the mountains
and thousands of people followed him.

The police said five thousand,
five thousand.

Everybody knows this story.
Loaves and fishes.
See, I knew you'd say that.
That's what everybody says.

This yours?
It's the key to the old house.
Jointed pin tumbler
Engineering perfection.

Anyway, this kid comes up to us,
about your size,

His name was...
no I have forgotten.

I still see him sometimes.
Anyway he comes up
with these loaves and fishes.

And Jesus blesses them
and passes the plate round.

Now the first person
he passes it to, passes it on.

He doesn't take anything.
He just passes it on.
Do you know why?

Because he had a piece
of lamb hidden in his pocket.

And as he is passing the fish,
he sneaks a bit of meat out
