
There's two free euros in here
And you can keep the rest
of your money in it.

It's the best I can do.
I told you.
We should have bought a house.

Right if we can't hide it,
at least we can spend it.

- Hello.
- Now that is quality.

That is amazing.
I can see you. Can you see me?

Not here, on there.
Not as well.
I can see you in mine.
This is fantastic.

Why don't we give the money
to the lady with the bin?

It's not ours and
we're never going to spend it all.

She could do good with it.
We just gave her a grand and
look at the trouble it caused.

And if we gave her two hundred
we'll end up in jail.

We're on our own now Damian.
Don't let me down.

The speaker went on the bin.

Your dad said he'd fix it.
So I said I'd cook for him.

So you get a decent meal for once.
I'm a fantastic cook.
Aren't I a fantastic cook, Damian?

The size of that school bag.
You'll give yourselvesa hernia,
is that all homework?

- No.
- Yeah.

Er, costumes for the nativity play.
I suppose it is homework really.

I love a nativity play,
can I see them?

- Yeah.
- No.

It's private. Private property...
of the school.

It will spoil the surprise.
Am I going to go too?
Are you going to get
me some tickets?

Well I suppose so.
Well I didn't even know
they were in it.

I get told nothing
you know, nothing.

Are you going to come
and do some chopping?

It's lasagne, your favourite.
