
Well, have you any room?
What did he want to bring her for?
You invited her.
Beginners positions.

Damian, come on.
The word went out
from Julius Caesar.

Caesar Augustus that everybody
had to go to their
home town to be taxed.

So Mary and Joseph
set out for Bethlehem.

# Little Donkey,
# Little Don. Key.

# On the dusty road...
Do you know how much
a piece of gold that big

would be worth at today's prices?
A lot. An awful lot.
I wonder what happened to it?

Because he was poor after that.
I wonder what he spent it on.

Can we please loose
the anachronistic bag?

I don't think they had Addidas
in the first century.

Far away to the East,
three wise men saw a star.

Thanks girls.
Look a star!
Let's follow it.
# Come, they told me,
# par um pa pa pa pum

# A new born King to see,
# par um pa pum pum

No, Saint Maureen.
I don't think I have heard of her.
Is she a virgin martyr?

I don't think so.
