Let's stay quiet
Let's lift all our hands silently our arms
Àëëîíæ you on ground
I rummaged in rooms (chambers)
And I have found it
Under bed
It is a card{map} of island and buildings, all there
You make researches on this place
Stretch{Drag out} you at once a brothel
This military place (site), the person has access to these messages.
You trust that know all
Detective, your cards{maps} now lift hands
You trust me
Nobody leaves!
From what ïîð this detail (room) is her{it}, sure?
Since we there all
In a lap now
Now! In a lap!
Ñàðà, you feel your figure (figure)?
Because I do not feel more anything
Coffee (Cafe)!!!
There is something in coffee (cafe)
Do not approach...