And your mission? That what you do{make} for FBI?
I am not a policeman, OK?
I am sent by the Ministry of Justice
I there to investigate Harris
The public prosecutor wanted to know that occured
To it{him} have told, that Harris pushed training too far
FBI investigates FBI
If you want to see it so
Whether we the reason to be afraid had it{him} not?
But it were only words, it was not enough
They to me have sent to see, how it{he} worked with you
Cards{Maps} it was that me to prepare
It is my work!
I in it trust not!
You want me to transfer (to lead{carry out}) in a lie detector
Yes it we are going to make also
It{He} lies, look at eyes
I do not lie it, is fair, that I shall not grow fond of you
All right at you 15 minutes
You to us find out a reef or you will stay here for ever
Do not leave his{its} eye
I listen to you
The line number 6 repeats in 9 movings
It is a code or a combination
It should have the message (report) in due course
At him{it} delusion of time which passes
Forget numbers (quantity{amount}), should find a reef
Numbers (Quantity{Amount}) a key which to us will find out a reef
I want to know that these numbers (quantity{amount}) speak
Áîááè it{he} gives a strike (help)
I rummage in a building
I go with you
10 minutes
Find words, this, ciphered combination is spoken by me!
7 minutes
I am not severe
Life to me has studied this
Sometimes, when you feel to full hatred and a deceit