
- Does everyone here have a mask?
- Of course.

How do you know if you're happy or sad
without a mask?

Or angry? Or ready for dessert?
I've got a face.
So let's get out of town.
Follow the rest of these oddments.
- Where are they all going?
- I have no idea.

- Excuse me.
- Yes?

Sorry, where are you all going?
We're leaving the city. Heading for the hills.
It's not safe here any longer.

Shadows completely ate my house

Isn't anyone going to do anything about it?
Since the queen fell asleep,
there's not a lot they can do.

They're looking for the charm,
to sort it all out...

- but we're off out of it.
- Over the hills and far away, Bernard.

This is bizarre.
So these shadows,
where do they come from?

The Dark Lands. Over the border, over there.
You know, this used to be a nice city...
plenty of opportunities to do a deal here
and a little deal there.

I mean, you wouldn't think it to look at me,
but I'm a very important man.

- I've got a tower.
- There she is, Sergeant.

If you don't mind,
could we have a little word with you?

Careful, Constable.
She's dangerous all right.

- Look at that changeable expression.
- I'm not dangerous.

Dangerous. Not dangerous. Same thing.
- Am I under arrest?
- Not exactly, miss.

- Or should I say, "Princess"?
- This is ridiculous.

We're just making sure
you get safely to the palace.

But I don't want to go to the palace.
- And I'm not a princess.
- Excuse me, officers.

This young lady
happens to be my business partner...

juggling associate
and my close personal friend.

I think there's been some mistake.
