It's me.
I'm asleep.
This is just a dream. It's not real.
- and you reckon that's the charm?
- Yes.
I have to say, to me,
it looks rather like half a brick.
Not really.
- Well, a bit.
- It is half a brick, isn't it?
Good try. Thanks for coming.
The charm.
- No, that's actually a chicken.
- The charm!
This must be quite painful for you,
but really it is a chicken.
I keep trying to tell him.
He just doesn't listen.
Excuse me, Prime Minister.
We caught the Princess.
Goodness gracious, you caught her,
well, that's splendid.
Look at that face. Gives you the willies!
Well, young lady.
I suggest you give back
what you've stolen...
or we shall have to stake you out
for the shadows.
I haven't stolen anything.
I only got here just now.
This is all just a stupid dream!