
You stick with me, kiddo.
You'll have a tower all of your own.

Almost as nice is mine.
That's just for starters.

Forget juggling.
We'll do what rich people do.

We'll bathe in...
Eat our own weight in chocolate buttons.
Learn to play the concertina.

I definitely don't need a manager.
Actually, I'm not sure I even need you.
Now, do you think I'd look good in a crown?
I've always thought
I was more of a hat person myself.

I knew there was something familiar
about the houses here.

They all look like things I drew.
What are we looking for, again?
How do we know when we've found it?

I wonder...
Now that's odd.
I should be in there, shouldn't I,
if I'm asleep?

You're asleep?
Well, yes.
I think we've rather definitely
established that, Valentine.

This is all just a dream. But look at it.
- I can't see anything. It's just a window.
- It's my bedroom!

- It's not. It's somebody's junk room.
- You don't see my bedroom in there?

Look. My bed, my wardrobe,
my moon mask...

my little cuddly sea anemone.
Whether this is a dream or not,
we're definitely heading the right way.

Well, this is where I stop.
