The MirrorMask.
He used to talk about it, of course.
My husband, the late Mr. Bagwell.
Fluffy, don't do that!
Mr. Bagwell used to say that...
the MirrorMask concentrated your desires...
your wishes.
It gave you what you needed.
I remember I said to him...
"Mr. Bagwell,
how can a mask know what you need?"
And he said...
"Cynthia, remember,
I don't know what I'm talking about."
Excuse me.
I was just wondering if you had any more
of those amazing cakes?
I'll go and see, dear.
Why did you have to interrupt her?
Because she's barking mad.
- What does it say?
- "Don't let them see you're afraid."
Don't let who see?
You're not going already, are you, dear?
You know,
I could freshen up the spare room...
- and your jester could sleep in the attic.
- I'm not a jester.
I'm a very important man. I've got a tower.
That's nice, dear.
I'm afraid we are really busy. But thank you.
Here are some cakes for the road.
You never know when you might need them.
And, dear, don't let them see you're afraid.