Absolutely mad as pilchards.
Why do you keep saying you've got a tower?
Because I have.
Where is it?
- Well...
- Do you live in it?
- How big is it?
- Huge, enormous.
Hundreds of rooms. Stairs. Doorknobs.
A scullery.
Possibly more than one scullery, actually.
Right, and...
I can't see it, because...
We're not talking.
We aren't talking.
The tower and I had...
a minor disagreement,
and it left without me.
I said something stupid,
and it just flew off without me.
Why don't you find it and say you're sorry?
Valentines never apologize.
Stupid building.
Buildings never leave without you
where I come from.
- Is this a riddle thing?
- Hungry.
Still hungry.
I've got a plan. Leave this completely to me.
Hello, puss.
I'm out of riddles,
but how about a "knock-knock" joke?
I know the best one in the world.
- The best?
- Absolutely.
You start.
- Knock-knock.
- Who's there?
Keep walking.
Now what do we do?
That was as far as my plan went.
What does it say?
"My pages taste excellent...