Look at this.
I got a plate of gravy
and no macaroni.
My wife's idea.
Low-carb diet.
Oh, yeah.
I tell ya, I meet Dr. Atkins,
I'm gonna kill him.
So, how's that thing?
That thing is good.
We're taking care of it now.
Good, good, good.
Now listen, Beans, not for nuthin',
but you know I think you're aces.
You're one of my best earners.
Thanks, Angelo.
I always saw you as kind
of a father to me, you know?
That's why I want you
to hear it from me first.
I'm making Mickey Valecci
the new captain.
That's, uh... good.
Mickey's good people.
I knew I could count
on your support.
Yeah, well, you're like
a father to me.
I'll take care of that thing now.
Uh huh.
- Enjoy your meat.
- All right, Beans.
Hey, I found some duct tape.
I said to make sure
he doesn't go anywhere,
not wrap him like a Cuban cigar!
You said, "Wrap."
It was a figure of speech!
Why is he in his underwear?
The tux has to be back;
he used his mom's credit card.
I'll drop it off on the way;
it's no big deal.
We kidnap him
and make stops along the way?
How you gonna get him out?
How can he walk
looking like a mummy?
He can hop.
Show the man your hop.
Go on. Hop up and down
or I'll stab you in the leg.
I mean it!
He can hop.