They're freakin' out.
Next thing you know...
boom, boom, boom.
Who do you think it is?
Big Bad Wolf.
The Big Bad Wolf.
Joseppi says, "Forget it.
I'm not gonna give money either."
Wolf says,
"All right, I'm a huff.
I'm a puff, and I'm gonna...
b-b-blow your house down!"
There's sticks all over the street.
People are slipping and falling...
like a John Woo film.
It's crazy!
Now these two pigs are
out of their... minds.
Don't know what to do.
They run to their buddy Fredo's
with the big brick house.
Boom, boom.
He blew down our house.
Fredo says, "All right, come in."
"Help. He's gonna cut us.
He's gonna eat us."
Fredo's like,
"Please, have an espresso?
"Calm down. Relax.
I'll take care of it."
Fredo is as cool as a cucumber.
Walks over to the phone.
He dials some associates
and hangs up the phone.
The next thing you know...
big black Cadillac limo
pulls up in front
of Fredo's brick house.
Two Goomba pigs
in dark suits get out.
They say,
"Excuse me.
You the Big Bad Wolf?"
He says, "Yeah."
They pick him up by his lapels
and start bangin' him
against the side of the house,
crackin' his brain
against the wall!
Then the pig reaches
into his pocket, pulls out his 9mm,
puts it against
the wolf's temple... badabing!
They blow his brains
all over his suit.
Uh, George, I think we're...
This is the best part.
I think we probably...
This is the best part!
Trust me!
Then Antonio and Joseppi they go,
"Fredo, who was that?"
Fredo goes, "Ah, those guys?
Those are my cousins,
The Guinea Pigs."
Guinea Pigs...
Never mind.
The End!
Yeah! Yeah!!
Good kids, good kids.
Hey, tell you what kids, here.
Go get yourselves some ice cream.
That's fine.
What, it's ice cream?
They get an allowance...
garbage and things they do...