You're kidding me.
It was cool.
Your brother asked me to
a paintball thing
the guys from church
are having in the mountains.
I'm gonna go.
Let's go guys.
- Is this my package?
- It came today.
And this is the first I'm hearin'?
What, are you that desperate
for a coffee fix?
Who puts pineapple on a pizza?
Canadian bacon and pineapple.
It's very popular here.
Folks said to try it.
You don't put pineapple
on a pizza!
It's like putting pepperoni
in a fruit cocktail!
It's something you don't do!
I wanted to try something new.
I though we were havin' manicotti.
I needed something easy,
I'm goin' out tonight.
There's a women's night
at the church.
- What church?
- The Mormon Church.
With the Mormon Church?
You were there Sunday.
There's something tonight.
Kate invited me.
...Fruit on pizza?
What, you gonna be a Mormon now?
No, but now I have friends.
It's nice to socialize.
With them?
With June Cleaver?
It's Nick at Night
with these people.
And what's wrong with that?
They have values!
Hey, take those off.
Leave the kid alone, will you?
It would be nice to have
some dinner conversation.
He's got nothing to say!
You got something to say?
Bop! Nuthin'!
Some guys from Church
are havin' this paintball thing
in the mountains.
Kids your age?
It's the guys.
It's some father and sons.
Michael asked if we wanted to go.
You have got to be kidding me.
You wanna go runnin'
in the mountains
playin' Hide and Seek
with Mormons?
What's the matter?
It would be nice,
yous getting together
and doin' something fun
like that.
Why do I wanna go?
I got a house.
It's freezing cold outside.
I'm not goin'.
That happened with the Donner Party.
Them people... they froze.
They ended up putting themselves
on their own pizza.