You know what, this is...
I'm outta here.
Forget it.
I'm gonna go get
something to eat somewhere else,
and not in the woods.
Let me get this straight.
You're telling me
you are the largest
wholesale distributor
of scrapbooking materials
in the entire state of Utah?
And most of Idaho.
No kiddin'.
Where you were from again?
Save All Memories
of the Children.
What is that?
You heard of "Save the Children?"
Well, we save all the memories.
What our organization does,
in a nutshell,
is we raise money
for underprivileged children
all around the globe,
so that they can keep
a scrapbook.
These little tikes,
they're gonna grow up,
they're gonna' become doctors
and lawyers and such,
and with these scrapbooks,
they're gonna be able to refer back
and see how far they've come.
That's very considerate.
I agree.
How else we gonna know
about these kids?
You've seen them.
It's truly sad,
with the bloated bellies
and the flies flyin' around them.
How we gonna know bout 'em
if there ain't someone there
takin' pictures
while the flies are buzzin'?
We'd be more than happy
to donate scrapbooking materials.
I appreciate that; I really do.
Thing is, we already got us
a government contract
to purchase
the scrapbookin' supplies.
All we're looking for
quite frankly,
and there ain't no way
to sugarcoat it,
is financial donations.
It's for the children.
Yeah, Salt Lake City
to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
This Friday.
Do ya got something
in the morning?
I'll take that.
First class.
One seat.
And, no.
One way.