There's a gold necklace
with a gold crucifix.
A gold ring.
A gold chain with a squiggly thing.
A money clip, no money.
Gold, though.
A gold watch.
Gold bracelets.
Something else gold,
I don't know what that is.
Your father's billfold
with driver's license
and credit cards.
And a travel brochure
to Disneyland
with three plane tickets
to Los Angeles.
There you go.
So you got that doctor's appointment
this weekend?
Uh, yeah.
You know, I'm sure it's nothing
to worry about, really.
Rick, he told me everything.
He's concerned.
What are you talking about?
Look, I know
it's a sensitive subject,
and I want you to know
I feel for you.
I had an uncle
who had a colonoscopy.
Look, I want you to know
if anything unusual comes up
that we are here for you.
I'm not having a colonoscopy.
You're not?
You know, George, you're over 40.
I mean, this is the time...
We are not having
this discussion!
Ignoring the situation
isn't going to make it actually...
You know what,
I'm sure your doctor...
All right, you know what?
I lied.
I made it up.
I got no doctor's appointment,
no colonoscopy, nuthin'.
I made it up so I wouldn't have to go
out with you into the woods
to play army patrol.