I haven't seen him.
I didn't know where he is.
- What is the problem?
- I need your help.
What is it?
I want you to go to Picasso.
Ask him to hang his artwork
beside his in the new exhibition.
Yes, anything.
Modi and Picasso...
Modi will kill me
if I do such a thing.
I'm sorry, Jeanne.
I can't.
If Modi's work hang beside Pablo's,
there's a chance of good sale.
We need money, Zbo.
I love you both.
But you're better off
with your family.
At least the child would have
a better chance in life.
I am wasting my breath.
I'm always wasting
my breath.
Let's think.
I know.
It's something you could do.
It will be bold.
It's his way to say he's sorry
for the other night.
For the other night?
And the nights before that?
Let me see, one canvas
per insult.
- Olga, how many?
- Hundreds, Pablo.
Let me paint you, Jeanne.
I'll make you immortal.
That's just too much responsibility
for these shoulders.