
let's not fool ourselves.

"Great wines can be made anywhere."
There's only one rule to follow:
Consult Mr Rolland.

It's fantastic! J ust fantastic!
I happen to often work
with important people
in the wine world.

The Mondavis are important people.
Who in the wine world
doesn't know Mondavi?

If you don't,
you're not in the wine world!

See those hills?
They were going to raze them flat
with bulldozers.

So they could put up
huge billboards marked "Mondavi".

Big enough to see from the coast.
It was a great idea
to make a buck...

and cause 20 deaths
at the first flood.

Like at Sommières.
There are idiots who still think
it's a shame
Mondavi was stopped.

You know,
people can be really stupid.

Aimé Guibert is the one
who led the fight against Mondavi.

He led the fight against them,
on a political level,

stirring up ignorant people:
Peasants, bumpkins, hicks.

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the Mondavi Affair?

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