
So what happened during the War?
Since the Baron was Jewish.
- He fled.
- To London.

- He went to London.
- With the Free French.

And his wife?
- H is wife was caught and deported.
- Deported.

- She died.
- Died.

- In a camp.
- Concentration camp.

- Dachau?
- And she was a Catholic!

How did merchants in 1940

between collaborating or not?
Was selling wine to the Germans
a form of collaboration?

No. It wasn't
considered collaborating.

If we hadn't sold wine...
- I say "we" because my family
sold to the Germans too -

the Germans
would've pillaged it instead.

So it was better to sell it to them.
Even if they paid with our money.
Money they stole from us.

Better sell it to them
than do nothing.

And not put the business at risk.
To the lab!
Stop here,
and get me some cigarillos.

Get me the Figaro newspaper.
There's an article on wine.

Today, wines are at another level.
It's much better.
There are the famous critics,
who now rank the wines.

That's where the wine consultant
can make a difference.

Hand me the cigarillos.
For this one here,
we're going to...

...micro-oxy genate.
Not all wines
are micro-oxy genated.
