It all comes from his love
of Bordeaux.
He really loves Bordeaux.
He's helped Bordeaux wine
Throughout the world.
Not just in the US.
The day he stops, we should
name a street after him.
Bordeaux should do that.
Or Libourne.
Or Pomerol.
We could put up a little plaque.
He's always loved Pomerol.
He could get a little plaque!
Look, if a pied piper
comes to your town
and enchants you,
you'll have had pleasure
from his music.
But the world doesn't stop
because of that.
It's admirable.
Christopher Columbus
discovered America.
Parker discovered the music
that makes Bordeaux dance.
And how does the song go?
It's amazing!
It's an extraordinary song.
He says: "What I like is good.
And what I like most, is the best."
And everybody says: "O K".
Parker's also criticized.
He's T H E critic.
People say he's too influential.
He makes or breaks a wine.