The modern world has spawned
a new form of fascism:
The fascism
of monopoly distribution.
These monopolies, in democracies
like the US or France...
which have always condemned
In France, we guillotined a king
because he monopolized power.
But we don't give a damn
about supermarket kings
like Carrefour, Auchan, etc.
But why not exploit us?
The government does nothing.
No laws.
With a monopoly on distribution,
what's bound to happen?
They turn to the winegrower:
"Get lost with your quality wines."
I want 1, 2 million bottles.
All the same.
Yeah, Magrez.
I work on all his properties.
He's a force of nature.
He pours his energy
into everything.
He created William Pitters:
A huge success, as everyone knows.
And now he's interested in wine.
He's headed straight for Aniane.
But not the same forest
Mondavi wanted.
People often ask me:
"Is Depardieu taking up
the Mondavi project?"
The people of Aniane reacted
the globalization of wine.
That's all I understood.
I read it in the papers.
I don't really want to know more.