l don´t know how
to read tarot cards.
- Why am l in the cards?
- Come on, just try.
Okay, well, this crazy old lady
keeps coming up.
The knight
in shining armor.
- Mmm! That´s mine.
- No no no. What?
- l saw this guy twice today.
- That guy?
Two times in one day.
That´s got to be a sign, right?
Mm, a sign.
Yeah, okay. What did he say
when you talked to him?
l didn´t talk to him.
Well, are you sure
he saw you?
l mean, l think so.
Okay, honey,
we´re worried about you
because you´re turning
into a little bit of a freak.
Yeah, we think
it´s from not having sex.
- Exactly.
- Look, just because...
l haven´t been in
a relationship in a while
doesn´t mean
l´m miserable.
l just want a sweet guy,
you know, a guy
who´s strong but still...
...opens a door
once in a while.
and who notices
things and...
you know, maybe
makes a difference.
Maybe he completes you.
You complete me.
Oh, sorry.
Dr. Batel´s office.
Hi, Mrs. Reynolds.
- Go to Grandma´s, tell her
l´ll be home late.
- l still have stitches to do...
- Yeah, can you please hold?
l´ll see you
at home.
You know what? You go ahead.
l can do that for you.
- Oh thank you, Charlie. You´re a doll.
- No problem.
Hey, George.
- How´re you doing, Charlie?
- Good.
- What do you got there?
- The doctor asked me
to bring it from home.
Whew! Okay!
All right. The doctor
will be right with you.