Must Love Dogs

l'll be right with you,
-Hi, Can l help you?
-Single chicken breast, please,

For an extra 75 cents,
you can get the whole fryer here,

Two breasts, two thighs and a wing,
Thank you, l don't know
when l'd eat all that,

-lt's just an extra 75 cents,
-lt's not the 75 cents,

l hate to see food go bad,
We got a hundred recipes,
You can cook them, freeze them and--

Look, listen to me, mister,
l'm divorced, okay?

l eat alone,
usually standing over the sink,

l don't want chicken
hanging around, okay?

-Thank you,

Hey, There she is,
-Good morning, How are you?
-Good morning,

l called you last night
to see if you were up for a movie,,,

-,,,or bowling or group shampooing,
-l'm sorry, Eric's parents are in town,

Mr, and Mrs, Stalin,
l'm under house arrest,

-Weren't they just here?
-Thank you,

l don't know why they can't stay at
a hotel, Nothing l do makes them happy,

And they make Eric so nervous,
he's like the Tin Man,

You have to hang in there, Leo,
You and Eric are my model,,,

-,,,for a successful relationship,
-l fear for you, child,
