Must Love Dogs

Anyone have anything exciting
happen this weekend to share?

My Uncle Mike slept over,
Uncles and aunts
are very important to us, aren't they?

He's not really my uncle,
but my mommy makes me call him that,

When he's there, l can't sleep with
my mommy because he's in her bed,

Anyone else have anything
they'd like to share?

Yes, Austin,
My parents are trying it
apart for a while,

-We have a theme, June,
-Yes, we do,

And Mom says my dad is incorrigible,
That means he likes other women,

One, two,
Let me try,
That's a hop,
One, two, that's a new step,
Very good,

-Molly, you wanna try the sticks?
-Yeah, come on, Molly,

Very good, Keep it going like that,
-No, l'm doing it,

Good Lord, it's a gusher,
Let me see your teeth,
-Hey, bubba,
-Look who's here,

-Are you all right?
-Yep, l'm fine,

He had a decent bloody nose
for a while, but he's fine now,

-You didn't have to rush right over,
-A kid bleeds, l show up, lt's house rules,

-You wanna get your stuff together now?

-Then l need a minute alone with Ms, Nolan,
-Okay, Bye, Ms, Nolan,

No, No, No,
So, Ms, Nolan,,,,
-Sarah, please,
-And l'm Bob,
