Two guys alone in the afternoon
watching Doctor Zhivago,
-There's something gravely wrong here,
-lt's all there, man,
The yearning, the suffering,
a woman you'll pursue,,,
,,,through blizzards, across continents,
A love so real,
even after you're dead it still hurts,
-That's all l want,
-You need to get out,
-You do, You need to see real people,
-You wanna watch it again?
No, l want to go out, Come on,
l previewed some lnternet ads for us,
lnternet ads? Come on,
l want Zhivago's lnternet ad:
''Tragic doctor/poet
in desperate pain seeks,,,
,,,like-minded playmate
for long snowshoe across Eurasia,''
What do you bet he gets
a hundred responses?
We'll start with bisexual
Asian women who fly-fish,
-No lnternet ads,
-This is for you, l hate to fly-fish,
-No, you don't,
-What about Sherry?
-l gave you her number, You never called,
Sherry's 24, Her range of interest
extends from kickboxing to Tae Bo,
She slept with half the guys
in my office,
Then why do you want
to set me up with her?
She slept with half the guys
in my office,
She's in her early 20s, You know
the epic narrative l talked about?
Hers would not only be secret,
it would be incoherent,
l wouldn't get past the cover page,
l mean, l'm looking
for something more than Sherry,
''Hopelessly romantic,
young 50s widower,,,
,,,seeks lady friend who enjoys
the slow bloom of affection,
Loves dogs, children
and long, meandering bike rides,
l will be carrying
a single yellow rose,''
-l gotta meet this guy,
-Where are your boob shirts?
-My what?
-Your boob shirts,
-Don't worry, l brought some of mine,
-Oh, boob shirts,
-l can't wear that,
-Okay, l have some dating tips for you,
l got them from Sports Illustrated,
Solid gold,
Yes, that's always been my bible
for personal relationships,
At least listen to the tips,
-Your sister has gone to a lot of trouble,
''One, maintain eye contact,
But be sure it isn't too intense,
You aren't a hawk eyeing its prey,''