Darling, don't you put
the sunshine to shame,
What are you doing here?
That's a fine how-do-you-do
from one of my favorite daughters,
l'm sorry, it's just that l'm meeting a--
Why do you have a yellow--?
-ls that a rose?
-lt is a rose, if the truth be told,
But by any other name,,,,
-And it's for a lady friend, isn't it?
-That is, in fact, the very purpose,
-Now, Sarah, come on,
lt is a natural course of this life that
your dad would have a lady friend by now,
l feel your mother whispering her
approval to me every day,
And would this lady friend
be someone who might enjoy,,,
,,,the slow bloom of affection, perhaps?
That would be grand, yes,
l'm your date, Dad,
l am, l answered
my own father's personal ad,
Don't laugh, lt's not funny!
lt shows l brought you up to know
the diamond from the riffraff,
A young 50, Dad? You're 7 1 ,
And when was the last time
you rode a bike?
-Meandering or any other way?
-Well, think of it as poetry, darling,
As who l am
in the bottom of my soul,
And, Sarah, my darling,
-l'm glad you've started dating again,
Dad, please, This is disturbing
on so many levels,
-At least let me have the rose,
-l can't,
l'm seeing someone else at 4:00,
Hello. You've reached Sarah Nolan.
Leave a message if you want to.
Sarah, it's me, Christine. Pick up.
Come on, Sarah,
I already talked to Dad.
-Who else knows?
-No one.
Come on, Carol has to know,
Why does Carol have to know? Couldn't
I once know something before she does?