So anyway, l get all dressed up,,,
,,,and l walk down the stairs and l see,,,
,,,my father sitting there
holding a single yellow rose,
And it dawns on me,,,,
-ls something wrong?
-Well, no offense, it's just,,,,
l thought you'd be younger, that's all,
Well, you said your age range
was 25 to 45,
l guess l was hoping more for 25,
Eighteen, That's legal,
lt's nice to be out,
l've been feeling kind of blue lately,
l know, you mentioned on the phone,
Lennie, that you've-- Kind of depressed,
-Did l cry?
-Well, a little bit,
l've been on 1 7 first dates this year,
No second dates,
One went,,,
,,,to check her coat
and never came back,
One jumped out at the light
when it changed,
Well, we're almost through the salad,
That's a good sign,
Please, Don't,
Please, Lennie, No,
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands
Come on!
If you're happy
And you know it
Clap your hands
Oh, God!
Come on, get up,
Get her, Get her,
Don't be upset,
l come from a large family,
Lots of male cousins, brothers,
Used to this sort of thing,
Three out of five,
-Oh, that's all right, Maybe later,
-Come on,
-Your table's almost ready,
-Good, We're working up an appetite,
Food here is fabulous,
lt's not cheap, though,
Well, l offered to pay my half,