Must Love Dogs

lt's okay,
Stop that growling!
Use your words,
Stop, sit,
Stop, sit,
-Stop, Sit,
-l don't think he knows ''stop'' or ''sit,''

-What else have you got?
-Bruno, focus,

Roll over and play dead,
-Hey, look at that, Look at that,
-That's very impressive,

-You Sarah?

-Yeah, hi,
-Yeah, Hi,

l didn't recognize you
without the cap and gown,

Oh, yeah,

-This is really amazing,

lt is, When he plays dead,
he really plays dead,

You don't know the half of it,
He can stop his heart like a Sufi mystic,

-Does he sleep on a doggy bed of nails?
-As a matter of fact, he does,

He feels nothing,
Or perhaps he feels too much,

-l think he wants his treat now,
-You think so?

While he's playing dead?
lt might ruin the effect,

-l don't know, He's your dog,
-He's not, He's my friend Charlie's,

-So you're here under false pretenses,
-No, not at all,

You said ''must love dogs,''
not ''must own dogs,'' l do love dogs,

ln fact, l had one with my ex,
She was allergic,
went into anaphylactic shock,

So we had to put her down, Dog,
Not the wife, l'm kidding about both,
This is a beautiful canine
you have here,

-Yes, this is Mother Teresa,

Yeah, she plays with lepers?
Comforts the poor? Yeah,
How long you had her?

Technically, she's not really mine,
She's my brother's,

l'm shocked and saddened,
-False pretenses,
-Well, we are related, She's family,

And l do really love dogs,
and my ex was allergic also,

Yes, he often had
''anaphyphlectic'' shock,

You're making that up,
