-Hi, sweetie,
-Who's that?
-Oh, this is my sister Carol,
-Nice to meet you,
This is Austin, my student,
and his dad, Mr, Connor, Bob,
Actually, l go by Bobby now,
Right, You live here?
Yeah, they cater to the recently
separated and divorced,
But l'm the youngest guy here
by 40 years, so it's good for my morale,
-My wife and l are gonna try it apart,
-l know,
Will you just look at her, son?
ls my little girl lovely
or is my little girl lovely?
Oh, Dad, don't worry
about embarrassing me,
Stop it, Bill,
She is cute as a button, though,
So, what is it you do, Bobby?
Sarah never tells us about her beaus,
l'm finishing my Ph,D,
in American history,
-A biography of Robert E, Lee,
-l always felt sorry for Lee,
Forced to fight against his old friends
and West Point classmates,
Could only dress in gray, Sad,
She's funny too,
A complete package, you know,
When l need extra money,
l work construction,
Well, it sounds very manly,
Do you wear a hardhat?
Sarah was the one who always had
the boys knocking at the door,
-Oh, Dad,
-She had eyes only for that singer,
What was his name? Thin fellow,
-Looked like a girl,
-Mick Jagger,
No, no, Sarah was saving herself
for David Cassidy,
Like you weren't,
-Carol wasn't saving herself for anybody,
l remember now, lt was David Cassidy
of The Pheasant Family,
Bill, Bill, honey,
Partridge Family, You know,
l saw him last year in Vegas,
He was good, Hadn't changed a bit,
Same turtleneck,
Sarah had the whole
Partridge act down,
She'd put on the little miniskirt,
the go-go boots,,,
,,,and pretend she was Susan Dey,
-This is all a lie,
-Sing the theme song, Sarah,
-Don't make me kill you, Carol,
-You remember the intro,
-Come on,
Come on,