l'm gonna call her again,
l want to ask her out, l need a mulligan,
Dog threw me,
l mean, the sun was in my eyes,
Pick someone else, start over,
No, this girl, there's something
special about this girl,
You know the expression
''she took my breath away''?
l mean, she did, l actually gasped,
l'm off the bench, man,
Think she'll see you again?
l wouldn't,
You're not nice,
Like, you're not a nice person,
-Hi, June,
-Hey, June,
-Hi, June,
-Hey, June,
Need more cupcakes,
All the dads are staying for the party,
-What's up with that?
-l have no idea,
Every Halloween it's the same thing,
But l guess it's great how involved
they are in their kids' world, lsn't it?
Why don't you and Eric come over,
l'll rent a hopelessly romantic movie,
We can all hold hands together and cry,
Sounds fun, but we can't,
lt's our anniversary, and we always
spend it just the two of us,
Seven years ago tonight,
we met at my parents' house,
They were trying to fix Eric up
with my sister,
Sorry we're late,
Austin drives so slow,
l hope my family
wasn't embarrassing last night,
Oh, no, Not at all, They do seem
a little bit involved in your life,
Oh, yeah, Yeah,
Austin's mom's from a large family,
That's a lot of people
that don't speak to me,
-Thimbleful of juice?
-Sure, But just one,
-To good teachers,
-To good dads,
To good teachers
who are also very beautiful,
To good dads who
are dangerously cute and charming,
There you go,
There's an attraction here, Sarah,
You can't deny it,
-l'm not, l'm trying to ignore it,
Well, for one, Austin is my student,
Two, we're in the puppet closet,
-Couldn't we go out in the real world?
-l'm not so good in the real world,