Must Love Dogs

l was looking at the handbook,
under ''dating, parents and teachers,''

-Nothing, There's nothing there,

We need the emergency pants,
lt's an emergency,

Emergency pants,
Come on, sweetie,

Hey, babe, my name is Ron.
Mid-40s, handsome, totally toned,
5'7", 1 61 pounds...

...give or take a piece of pizza.
No, I'm not kidding. I'm totally toned.
Call me, you won't be sorry.

Hi, Sarah, it's Lennie.
I had a wonderful time, and I'm....
I'll call back.
Hi, Sarah? It's Jake Anderson,
the idiot from the dog park.

Actually, that was all a test
to see how you respond...

:40:00 crazy people, and you passed.
So maybe we could see
each other again.

What do you say?
You want to give me another chance?

l had a couple of icebreakers,
l even had a few stories for you,
anecdotes, but l forgot them all,

-l think it might be that dress,
-My sister Carol made me buy it,

l love Carol,
-Well, this is a very charming place,

-Good food?
-No, not particularly,

But l like the ambiance,
l come here because l know the owners,
the Parseghians, that couple over there,

-See? They're waving,
-They want us to join them,

A few years ago, in a moment
of blazing clarity,,,

,,,l forswore ethnic folk dancing, so,,,,
They'll come over and say hello
and maybe-- How are you? Hi!

-How are you?
