You know, but l think your heart
grows back bigger,
You know? Once you've got
the shit beat out of you,
And the universe lets
your heart expand that way,
l think that's the function of all this pain
and heartache that we all go through,
You gotta go through that to come out
to a better place, And that's how l see it,
What about you? Why is
a dazzling woman like you single?
You can do it,
You can just tell the truth,
lf you know the truth,
What have we got to lose?
After the dinner we shake hands,
''good night,'' never see each other again,
All right,
He stopped loving me,
l don't know what l did
or what l didn't do,
He just stopped,
l don't think l've ever said
that out loud before,
See, we just had
an honest moment,
Now we can sit back
and enjoy our food,,,
,,,and get to know each other,
l'm Jake,
-You don't have one?
-Why would l have one?
-For occasions like this,
There haven't been
any occasions like this,
-You didn't bring one?
-l didn't want to jinx it,
This preschool of yours,
it's traditional? Developmental?
-Yeah, yeah, All that, Drugstore!
There's a Rite Aid on 93rd,
Hang a left,
-Should l take the freeway?
-Please turn left!