-Did it work?
-Maeve was born nine months,,,
,,,and one day later,
l don't wanna just do random dating,
Carol, l wanna be in love,
l wanna wake up next to someone
and see them smile,
Do the whole Sunday breakfast thing,
go out and get the paper,
Stay in bed together all day,
Wouldn't we all?
Man, this is absolutely gorgeous, l love
this, l can't believe you built it yourself,
Yeah, handcrafted, Hand-carved,
l hope you'll find
that it's more than a boat,
lt's a time machine,
-l love it, l want it, l'll take it,
Did you race a lot in college?
l don't plan to race it,
Could you cut it in half for me?
-Excuse me?
-Yeah, cut it in half lengthwise,
l think it would be easier
to mount on the wall that way,
You want to mount the boat?
Yeah, l thought l'd put it in the den,
lt'd look great above my big screen,
You know, l think maybe you should go
to lKEA and buy a canoe,
lt's not for sale in that way,
-He's kidding, right?
-Wouldn't that be nice,
l've had this dream
that it'll end up wet,
lt's just not for sale in that way
at this time, Ever, really,
Okay, Well, if you change your mind,
l really do want it,
Yeah, if l change my personality,
l'll let you know what l become,
-Thanks so much,
-Nice guy,
-Stanley owes me a big favor,
-lt was a guaranteed sale,
-So what?
Right, You can afford to be picky,
You sold,,,
,,,let's see, no boats, No boats at all,
You worry too much,
You really do,
You're in a good mood,
That must have been some date,
Charlie, you should have
seen this girl,
She's shy, she's fragile,
she's self-conscious,
She has no idea how beautiful she is,
She's a mess, lt's fantastic,
The evening didn't end up great,
but there were moments in there,,,
,,,where we were completely
and utterly ourselves,
l was completely psychotic,
but she was completely lovely,
Are you thinking about completely
closing the sale any time soon?
l tell you about a night
with an unusual woman,,,