Must Love Dogs

-Sarah, Darling,

Some pressing business has come up,,,
,,,and l was hoping you'd ferry
Dolly home for me,

-Okay, Sure, Dad,
-l don't mind staying,

You're a sweetheart, Both of you,
So, what do you think
of my competition?

l don't really wanna discuss
my father's--

Oh, it's okay, lt's okay, l know,
A woman always knows,

Not always,
-Your guy go younger?

They always go younger, don't they?
lt does seem to trend that way,
doesn't it?

When they're 80, they want 60,
When they're 60, they want 40,

When they're 80, they want 40,
And they get it,

Goddamn supply and demand,
We ought to kill the guy
who thought that one up,

-So you didn't see it coming, huh?
-No, l thought we were happy,

Maybe not ''happy'' happy,
but, you know, satisfied,

l thought we were happy three times,
Got a live one,
You gotta come take a look at this,
l love this lnternet,
lt's part fantasy, part community,

And you get to pay your bills naked,
They don't stress that enough
as a selling point,

lt's Jeremy in San Diego,
He thinks l'm 1 6,
He inverted the numbers in my age,

-l didn't have the heart to tell him,
-That would've been cruel,

He comes to me for advice,
He thinks l'm very mature,

We're pinned,
-You're on this, aren't you?

-What, just one site?

Honey, you gotta put more bets
on the table,

l'm on at least 1 0, You get to try out
different personalities,

Like here, l say:
''l'm into opera, antiques,
poetry in the original Greek,''

And on this one:
