- What are you doing? -
- A fair thing, don't I..-
- You are a bastard -
- This is what you are -
- And I want this place
back the way it was -
- It can't be-
- I looked to the Pub and I thought
god..what I've been doing? -
Thank you Lord
I now see what i can do
- Our room is not a Pub
our room is a spiritual center where
people can come and learn
about Jesus Christ -
because we will give
this valley back to Jesus Crist
-Because people live spiritual fullfilment -
They need to know that the
Lord is there for them
-they need an echo of it
- They need to know
their Lord -
- will you help me do this -
-How great is The Lord -
- We gonna bring love to this
- We gonna bring the name of
Jesus Crist to the
lost people of this valley
-We would let them know
that He is there for them
Thank you -