- what's he like?-
- ummm-
- he's like a man
you know... -
- not like a boy -
- not like a boy of school
he would... like a man-
-that's strong and overcome
and he used to go driving -
- He used to take me in places
-wanna know?
yeah..how did he shake you? -
- what you mean? -
- how would he do it? -
- horribly? -
- no -
-just normal
i mean..
i don't know
- show me -
- do you wanna see? -
-do you?-
- do you wanna be shaken
by Ricky?-
- do you?yes-
- are you ready?
yes -
- serious?
yes -
- no joking
no joking -
- ok
go -
- i'm on it -
- let me show you-
- oh Mona -
- no turn around -
- oh you so good mona -
- that's it -
that's it?
- is that it? -
- are you in love with him still?