The darn thing's not
even a year old yet.
Maybe it's screwed up from
all the lighting last week.
Oh, your father's going to be
overjoyed about this.
What time's Dad getting home?
Not for another hour,
at least, honey.
Mom. Deborah.
Come look!
It's a UFO!
Oh please, it's just a
weather balloon or something.
No, look what it's doing to the TV.
It's flying over the house!
Let's go up on the roof.
No, wait!
Children, be careful!
That summer, those were the
two things I'd never forget.
The cramped, stale
darkness of the crawlspace.
And, equal in power
and mystery...that UFO,
out there somewhere traveling
across the universe.
The summer I was 8 years old,
I came for the first time.
I was watching my Mom going at it
with her boyfriend of the moment,
Alfred, in my old swing set.
Alfred was all Marlboro man,
dumb as a fucking rock.
What I would, years later,
come to call "my type".
And only the most boring,
stupid things...
have ever come out of his mouth.
But seeing him like this,
whimpering and grunting...
Iike a helpless animal, I
couldn't take my eyes off of him.
I'd been masturbating for
years, but it wasn't till...
that summer that jizz actually
squirted out my dick when I came.