Mysterious Skin

Couldn't wait to show Coach.
Oh, maybe I should start
at the beginning.

Back in June, my Mom signed
me up for Little League.

It was Alfred's idea, a way
for them to fuck freely,

without the expense
of a sitter.

Are you excited?
Coach Heider?
Desire sledgehammered me.
He looked like the lifeguards,
cowboys and firemen,

I'd seen in the Playgirls that my
mom kept stashed under her bed.

Back then, I didn't know
what to do with my feelings.

They were like, a gift I had
to open in front of a crowd.


I'm Ellen McCormick.
And this is my son, Neil.

Hello, Neil.
Honey, don't you want to
say hello to your new coach?

Don't worry, it takes him a
while to warm up to strangers.

I quickly became the
team's star player.

Which wasn't saying much
considering the other kids...

were a bunch of
hopeless spazzes.

Our first game,
bottom of the eighth,

I whacked a triple
with the bases loaded.

The crowd went fuckin' nuts.
But I didn't care about that.
All that mattered was
it made Coach proud.

After that first victory,
the coach called my Mom...

to tell her he was taking the team
out to a movie to celebrate.

Hey, big guy,
ready to go?


Where's everybody else?
Well, it looks like it's just going
to be you and me today, bud.


I picked "Blood Prom," an
R-rated slasher flick...

with tons of cool gore
and murders in it.

When this one really
annoying blonde chick...

got her head chopped off,
I cheered.

After the movie, we
we picked up a pizza...

and headed back to Coach's.
Coach's house was awesome.
He had a giant TV, an Atari with
Donkey Kong, Asteroids, Frogger.
