I hear something.
It's the voice of God.
I hear him.
I hear him.
It's about to begin.
Alright, I'm coming.
VCR on?
I checked it twice.
It's probably going
to be a little silly.
The commercial showed this
crazy old man claiming...
aliens beamed him up right
out of his bathtub.
If you're going to make fun,
I'd just as soon watch by myself.
Shh, it's starting.
Tonight on "World
Of Mystery",
we investigate the
terrifying world of UFOs.
Is it mass hysteria or
something all too real?
They kept me
prisoner for hours.
They examined me like I was
a frog in biology class.
And then they stuck a
probe in my stomach.
I still got the scar
here to prove it.
Look at that.
I always got scared anytime
I watched movies about UFOs.
Even "E. T. " scared me.
Poor thing.
She looks so homely and sad.