I'm on kind of a
tight deadline.
Well, good luck.
That's two outs.
Garfield the batter...
Heim on deck.
Scoot your chair back
a little further.
That's better.
Hold on a sec.
And at the end of 3
innings, the score is...
Hutchinson First
National Bank, 3;
Wichita Coleman
lndustries, 0.
Okay. Go on.
Where have you been?
I should've called.
I didn't realize the time.
Well, your dinner's
cold as ice.
That's okay.
Brian, what's going on?
You've been acting
so strangely.
Disappearing for hours.
It's just school, Mom.
College is way different
than high school.
Did you ever call
your father back?
I've been busy.
I'll get it.
You finish your dinner.
He's eating his
supper right now.
-Who is it?
-It's that UFO woman.
I'll get it in the hall.
Got it.
I was just going
to call you.
I found a photo of the boy.
The one from my dreams.
That's amazing.
What are you
doing right now?
There's something
I need to show you.
Something important.
Can you come out here?
Hi, honey.
How was work?
Fuck you.