

Armando saw how things were.
He's doing well in the cannery.
He's doing well with the girls.
He's got loads of them in Paris.

Well, Paris is Paris.
La liberte.

-And la fraternite.
-And la charcuterie.

La charcuterie?
In Paris,
people kiss in the streets,
screwdriver kisses,

in the middle of the street.
They kiss in taxis,
on the bus, in the subway.

The last time Armando came,
he told us how often
he scored, remember?

But that's in Paris.
It would be impossible here.

I think the only way to score
with a woman is to let her talk.

Apart from that, if Armando sees
a stunner on the Rue St. Honore,

or somewhere like that,
he says,
Comment ca va, cherie?,

and the next minute,
"What color is your underwear?"

Then he says,
because those things
are normal over there,

"Salmon, cream, white, black, blue?"
And if she says blue,
which is bleu in French,

Armando asks her,
"What shade of bleu?"

"Nanking bleu, royal bleu,
navy bleu, sky bleu?"

And if she answers sky bleu
Armando says,
"Me permettez vous..."

"...give you a pair of sky blue panties
with a matching bra?"

What's she going to say?
Yes, obviously.

And it's not as if Armando
were Marlon Brando.

-He's like us.

He never scored here.
Nobody scores here.
But there is there
and here is here.

And there, it's France, Paris,
Notre Dame, La Boheme,
the Moulin Rouge, Pigalle.
Talking of pairs...
