But for me, the French
use a lot of cream,
a lot of butter.
But we, on the other hand,
have got
olive oil.
The problem is
very few Spaniards can eat.
Now, Mr. Pierre, don't exaggerate!
Hardly anyone eats in Spain!
It's a country that lives on
croquettes and grilled shrimp.
-And don't say otherwise!
-I'm not saying otherwise, but...
And do you know why?
I'm going to tell you.
We're going to prevent
the capital factor
from prevailing over labor
and as the instruments
of production are not as a rule
the property of those who use them
this has led to the creation
of two social groups,
the wage earners and the owners
of the means of production.
And either you eat croquettes
and grilled shrimp
or you die of hunger.
-What do you think?
-What do I think?
What I think, Mr. Pierre,
is that you love Spain very much.
It's only when you live
outside your country
that you really
come to understand it
and, despite that, to love it.
Ninette, get the bagpipes.
Oui, papa.
-Why do you want the bagpipes?
-To play them.
I want to show you
that I love Spain
and haven't forgotten it.
I'll play "Asturias,
beloved homeland"
because we're from Asturias
and we feel very attached
to our native land.
And then, "Oh, Carmela!"
-He plays that really well.
-What do you think?
Whatever you say, Mr. Pierre.
-Thank you, Ninette.