You think it wouldn't be nice?
After I searched Paris for an hotel
you think it wouldn't be nice?
For God's sake!
First you want to go,
then you don't want to go.
Which is it?
Stop messing around, Andres.
Au revoir. Bon appetit.
-Au revoir, Mr. Armand.
-A toute a Lheure.
When you're in Murcia,
will you miss me?
Of course.
Have you always lived alone
with your aunt?
With my aunt and with Linda.
Avec qui?
A little dog, cinnamon colored.
We loved each other very much
but it started to go sour,
you know how it is.
Anyway, things cooled off
and we left it.
By mutual agreement.
Hey, tell me something.
Even though you're French
you're not like
people say French girls are.
In what way?
What way do you think?
That way.
Being easy, adventurous,
going off with anyone.
Of course not.
What did you think?
Then, you and me...
It was the first time.
Come on, don't tell me that.