Je m'excuse.
Mon Dieu!
What a tumble!
Ask him if he's all right.
Ca va, monsieur?
Ca va bien?
I'm going to
the Spanish Consulate again.
What do you mean, again?
I didn't tell you, but a while ago
I asked my contacts to find out
if we could go back.
Just out of curiosity.
They said we could go back
whenever we wanted.
That hurt me, I have to admit it.
I thought they were
more scared of us.
If we haven't gone back
it's because we didn't want to.
Of course!
I'd turned 23.
It was time to give myself
to someone.
It isn't normal that at that age
a young lady
is still a young lady.
you arrived
and voila.
And voila.
I'm French, don't forget.
And not by chance.
It's because of Alejandro Lerroux.
-The man in the photo?
I'm called Alejandra for Lerroux.
Your name is Alejandra?
Of course. Alejandra,
from Alejandra to Alejandrina,
from Alejandrina to Nina
and from Nina, Ninette.
If we go back to Spain,
we have to go first to Covadonga,
to see the Virgin.