Maybe when I was about 10,
I started playing the guitar.
I found a guitar in the house
that my father bought, actually.
I found something else in there.
This kind of mystical overtones.
There was a great big mahogany radio.
It had a 78 turntable
when you opened up the top.
And I opened it up one day...
and there was a record on,
a country record...
this song called
Drifting Too Far From Shore.
The sound of the record made me feel
like I was somebody else...
and that...
you know, I was maybe not even
born to the right parents, or something.
It looked like any other town
out of the '40s or '50s.
Just some rural town.
It was on the way to nowhere.
And you probably couldn't find it on a map.
Maybe three blocks one way,
and maybe three blocks the other way...
and that was like a main street
where all the department stores were...
the drugstores, the...
That's about it, you know.
What happens to a town
after the livelihood is gone?
All right, it just sort of decays
and blows away, doesn't it?
That's the way it goes.
Most of the land was either farmland...
or just completely scavenged
by the mining companies.
Very hot in the summertime...
in the winter,
it was just rightly cold, you know.
All winter, it was just, I mean...
We didn't have the clothes they have now...