No Direction Home: Bob Dylan

Go away from my window
Leave at your own chosen speed
A typical evening.
I guess there would be soundcheck.
And there would be me
dealing with what kind of mood...

Bob was going to be in.
I was already doing that, you know.
And when he was cheerful and up,
it was just spectacular.

And if he was dark,
there wasn't any way to reach him.

But always strong
Bob seemed to ignore
whatever was coming towards him.

He could literally, and I'd seen him do it...
turn his back and play a whole song,
play two songs.

Fiddling around with the equipment
on the stage.

And never even look at the public...
and it doesn't make the slightest bit
of difference in the magnetic draw.

It's as though the public wasn't even there...
he's just going to do what he's going to do,
and he has to change.

And he has to keep moving, and he has to
add this and he has to crank the sound.

If you ever work with him, if he did
this song the night before as a waltz...

tonight he's gonna do it in 2/4 time,
just to fuck you up, you know?

And so,
with somebody who moves like that...

I now see it, that it's very unique...
and it's admirable, and it's a pain in the ass
if you're trying to work with him.

Or it's a pain in the ass if you were
expecting something else from him.

If everybody really listened
to his own conscience...

and really acted upon what he thought
was right and wrong...

rather than being so hopelessly passive...
which I think just about everybody is.
I think it's probably the main disease...
is the passivity, where we will listen
to whatever anybody else says.

It's Daddy, and Mommy, and schoolteacher,
and Sunday school teacher, and President.

This is what the war in Vietnam is all about.
The old and the very young.
The Marines have burned
this old couple's cottage...

because fire was coming from here.
