and the Metropolitan know about this,
do you think?
Do they know that culture has changed,
that there's a new generation?
Well, they have been in the foreground...
of showing all this new pop art themselves,
you know.
Warhol will be there in Albert Hall,
and Warhol's on the walls...
of the Museum of Modern Art
for the last five years.
There were signs of new life,
of another generation picking up...
a revolution in consciousness.
A bloodless revolution.
You know, like the first revolution
that never shed any blood.
That was the important thing.
I had just been kicked out of Cuba...
for just talking privately...
about Castro's persecution of gay people.
Then went to Czechoslovakia,
was elected King of May on May Day.
A week later was kicked out by the Minister
of Education and deported to London...
and then I landed around the time
of Dylan's concerts at Albert Hall.
There was a very exciting scene,
back at the hotel...
and Dylan was down the hall
with the Beatles.
Then a message came
that I was supposed to come in there.
So I came into the room
and everybody was sitting there...
totally stone-cold silent, frozen, paranoid.
Not quite knowing my place, knowing Bob...
I sat down on the side of his armchair.
John Lennon said snidely,
"Why don't you sit a little closer?"
I suddenly realized they were just so naive,
they were young.
So I actually, I fell over laughing
on to John's lap...
looking up at him and asked him,
"Do you ever read William Blake?"
He said, "Never heard of him".
And his wife said, "Oh, John, stop lying".
Then everybody began laughing,
and then the scene sort of broke up.
You know, the ice was broken.
It stuck me as funny
that these guys at the summit of power...
spiritual power, musical power,
world fame...
'65, May... June...
were so unsure...
of their minds and speech.