He promised me
there'd be no police.
It never went wrong before.
First I take the train
to Copenhagen...
...and then on to Christiania
to get the stuff from our dealer.
- How are things in Jutland?
- Okay. And here?
- Okay.
- Homesick?
I don't know.
How's Asger?
- Okay.
- Say hi.
I will...
See you.
Hey, don't forget your little present.
So I pocket the lump, catch the
night train and go back to Jutland.
End of story.
But it doesn't work anymore.
It's like a prison
I can't get out of.
I'm not like this.
I'm not.
I only do it, because Asger
hasn't got anybody else to do it.
And because I'm the one
who knows people in Christiania.
A pusher frau.
She waits on drug users,
who come around to buy drugs.
I get them coffee,
while they tell me I look good -
- because they want to suck up to
the pusher, who couldn't care less.
He's too stoned to notice anything.
That's Asger.
He's pretty spaced out
and indifferent. To me as well.
But it wasn't like that
in the beginning.
He used to be a bouncer. Big and
strong, with a sexy tattoo on his ass.