- And you, Steso. You got any?
- Plenty. Look!
- Yuck, Steso, why do you get those?
- The pills are best when injected.
The physical and psychological
agents are fluid.
They add corn starch,
parafin and calcium to solidify it.
- That's what gives you boils.
- You're gross!
- What are the dogs called?
- Chill and Ace.
- For chillum and acid?
- Right.
- Very ingenious, Asger.
- Right.
- And yet so sad.
- Why?
- Are your dogs ill?
- I don't know. Maybe it's the pig.
They're in the bedroom or outside,
till I've finished this.
The dogs are used to the hash fumes,
and suddenly you kick them out.
So they feel bad.
Withdrawal symptoms, you know.
- What are you talking about?
- They're junkie dogs.
They are not junkie dogs!
They have a pedigree...
- Like you. Your dogs are like you.
- I'm not a fucking junkie.
- You don't know what you are.
Stop it now!
- I have to go now.
- My dogs aren't junkie dogs!
Dogs can't become addicted to hash.
What a load of shit!
must the dogs stay in here?
Yes, until they're clean.